Frequently Asked Questions

Where in Mexico do the products come from?
From Six different states in Mexico.

Who are the artists?
That’s a family secret. The artists are located all over Mexico, and all The products are handmade.

How do you select the artists?
Being in business for over 50 years, we have been able to find the best Art and artists from all of mexico. We strive to bring you only the very best quality, designs, and the most unique products.

Do you have any other store locations?

How often do you restock product?
We receive small shipments monthly. Our big shipments arrive every 3-4 months.

Is there a return policy?
for full cash refund, Items must be returned within 7 days of purchase . otherwise Customers will receive store credit, up to 30 days after purchase.

Do you ship products?
Yes, depending on size and quantity.

What are you store hours?
Monday-Friday, 9am- 5 pm

Saturday - 9:30am-3:30 pm

Sundays - closed

Do you have sales?
YES! We always have sales!

Do you attend events?
We do! We attend events in colorado and wyoming and around Arizona, such as the AZ State Fair, Various valley home and trade shows and festivals.